Wednesday, September 22, 2010


          Civics to an American means a lot in order to live the right way. It basically means that you have to follow the basic rules of living out in the community. For an example of obeying the law, not harming yourself or others, drive safely and respect every one living around you the best you can. Also keep it clean its not hard to pick up after yourself when its your own or your kids mess. It could also mean that you are loyal to your community. This isn't all that it takes to be a citizen.

           If a person came to America but was not born over here they are not a legal citizen in the U.S. If you were born in the  U.S on the other hand then you would be a legal citizen. We also would have legal duties for example like paying year to year taxes. Is it hard being a citizen, that's a good question. For me yes it is sometimes following all the rules and things like that.

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